domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

Gwan and Fundit!

TOO GOOD TO RESIST - Crowd funding campaign

We are at the last and final day of our crowd funding campaign - get in there and give us your college fund!

Where We’re At: 

We shot our first interview in May 2011 and have been researching, shooting a little and developing the ideas over the last 18 months with our own money and time. We were delighted to receive development support from the Irish Film Board on day one of our July road trip, when we traveled around Ireland for 3 weeks shooting interviews and gauging the temperature of a very angry nation.

We’re at an important juncture and this is where YOUR contribution can make a real and profound difference to our film – paying for Treasa and Mary Jane’s travel to sites of protest, additional filming and editing. Crucially, your generosity will allow us consolidate and complete our research, and write our Too Good To Resist Bible – the cornerstone this documentary film will be built on.

We want to make THE BEST VERSION of this film. So the more money we raise, the better production we’ll be able to mount. Be a part of it!

Please donate what you can – every euro is greatly appreciated! 

Thank you again for your support.

Mhither wother...Ireland

Too Good to Resist in Hot Press Magazine

Artists, filmmakers, writers, historians and other academics came together late last year to find answers to that question at The Future State of Ireland conference in Goldsmith Art College in London.

Some speakers at the event questioned the assumption that there is one unified, homogenous Ireland with a shared present or future.

“We’re not all in it together,” filmmaker Mary Jane O’Leary told the conference, adding that austerity policies are hitting some people – those with disabilities, single parents, the poor – far harder than others and will continue to do so.

Feminista Post Porno en Bcn last night