miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Bishop Accuses Spanish Women of Holocaust

Last week a Spanish bishop said that abortions in Spain since 1985 had caused more ‘deaths’ than the Spanish Civil War, calling it a “silent holocaust”. On International Women's Day, Spanish women responded. Between 10,000 (local police estimate) and 20,000 people (organisers estimate) turned out for the event in Valencia, Spain’s third largest city after Madrid and Barcelona. This day is usually a celebration of women in history and society as well as a chance to draw some attention back to the gender inequalities still present in work and pay. However, this year's event also provided an opportunity to demonstrate the anger and frustration building up around a proposal by Spain's governing Partido Popular (People's Party) to change the country's abortion law making it illegal in most cases. The proposal would overturn a very recent law (2010) that legalises abortion on demand in the first trimester, meaning that rape or a serious threat to the woman’s health - currently the conditions for abortion in the second trimester - would have to be proven by anyone seeking an abortion from May 2014 onwards. I have read that somewhere between 60 and 80 percent of Spanish people oppose this change. I’m not sure how accurate that is but the big turnout across Spanish cities for what is normally a fun, family event was telling. 

The day before the protests I attended a Comisiones Obreras trade union assembly (Workers' Commissions). The hall was filled with about 200 women and was brimming with anger. In one of the opening speeches tribute was paid to a woman called Concha Carretero who died on January 1st this year at the age of 95. Carretero’s story, as I grasped it in my broken Spanish, reminds me of the potency behind the word often used at Spanish protests – indignada - and placed the indignation and exasperation now focused on the new law into context.

Carretero, born in 1918, was first imprisoned when General Francisco Franco’s army entered Madrid in 1939. Arrested after attending a meeting of the Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas (United Socialist Youth) she was taken to a police cell where she was beaten and electrocuted and made to clean up the blood of her fellow captives. Lying unconscious after a beating on the night of August 4th 1939, her cellmates - thirteen women - were taken and executed by firing squad. Almost a year later, Carretero was released only to be quickly re-arrested. This time she avoided freezing to death when stripped naked and doused in buckets of cold water by exercising all night in her cell. By then Carretero’s father, an anarchist, had been found dead on the street, and her mother, who had suffered a serious injury when a lift fell on top of her while cleaning in the dark shaft, slept unbeknownst to her daughter under the archways of the prison where she was held. Not long after her release Carretero’s husband and father of her first child was arrested and shot by firing squad. Carretero’s crime had been her involvement and work with the Republican army, making clothes and minding the children of men and women on the front during the Civil War. But more than that it had been to dare to challenge the might and divine authority of fascist Spain. Going on to re-marry and have five more children, Carretero attended the Almudena Cemetery in Madrid every year to mark the anniversary of the execution of her thirteen cell mates, the Thirteen Roses, and every year she called for the 'Third Republic'. 

The thread of Carretero’s life running from 1918 to 2014 ties Saturday’s protests into a bitter continuum and links today’s abortion debates to unfinished battles. Listening to the language used by Spanish politicians is to acknowledge that the Civil War and the Dictatorship are not distant memories here. The constant references to ‘democracy’ and ‘rule of law’ at press conferences and parliamentary debates ring more like subtle threats and hints at their alternatives than statements of fact. But with the abortion rights law introduced by the Socialist party in 2010, many felt that whatever else, at least women were freed from religious constraints when it came to controlling their own bodies. Overturning this law, more than any other controversial legislation during the crisis, will almost certainly send the vast numbers disaffected voters rushing to the polls to get rid of the government next year. It has already caused splits within the PP between the old guard and younger conservatives.

Figures in Spain show that during this period of economic recession birth rates have gone down, indicating that women make decisions on what they believe they can afford to do. Many women are asking themselves ‘can I really feed and cloth another child?’ and finding the answer is 'no'. Women ovulate once a month for about forty years, a woman could get pregnant every nine months for decades. Of course contraception is better, but it's not prefect. So occasionally a single teenage girl or a married mother of four is going to have to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. To take abortion away from women in emergency situations, at a time when jobs are scarce (a quarter of the population are unemployed) and when social security for an unemployed mother works out at about 400 euro a month for rent, bills, food etc., can only be described as a vicious attack on an already seriously pressurised social group. To accuse women who refuse to become baby mills of perpetrating a holocaust is a step too far for people on both sides of the camp in Spain. 

The first edition of this article was published here:

For more info on social security in Spain:

Further info on Concha Carretero here: Fallece Concha Carretero, compañera de las trece rosas rojas, by Gustavo Vidal Manzanares, nuevatribuna.es http://www.nuevatribuna.es/articulo/sociedad/fallece-concha-carretero-companera-trece-rosas-rojas/2014010119202599608.html